Inventory Areas

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KyleBoyer, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I just had an idea. Kinda like LimitedCreative where the inventory is restricted... Except you have inventory regions. You can't keep inventory from lets say the PVP region, into a survival region. Then when you leave the survival region back into the PVP region you get your items back. Just like separate inventories for different regions...

    I'm hoping this could be done for my server because I have creative areas, then I have an area set off for survival. It's a bit easier to have a plugin do it for you, then to have to empty it into a chest, then go on and such...

    Hopefully someone could make this where you can use worldguard regions?
  2. Offline


    Why not just use different worlds instead of areas?
  3. Offline


    Because that means I have to start making portals to go places, and thats no fun if your really far out from a portal...

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