Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Chefboy, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello there, I just wanted to see if I could get a request fulfilled for my new prison server. Let's get down to business, and thanks.
    The general idea is a gang plugin. A miniature "clan/faction" system of sorts.
    Plugin Category:
    Role-Playing Games / Fun / Miscellaneous
    Suggested Name:
    What I want:
    The general idea is a gang plugin. A miniature "clan/faction" system of sorts. However, instead of something like SimpleClans or Factions, I want something more fitting for a prison environment, like a gang. ALSO -
    Each person can only be in one gang.
    Ideas for Commands:
    /gang create [name]
    /gang join [name] |
    /gang open | /gang close (open or close the gang for joining)
    /gang invite [player] (inviting a player to a gang if it is closed)
    /gang giveownership [player]
    /gang list (list all gangs)
    /gang roster (list all players in a gang)
    /gang kick [player] (kick player from gang)
    /gang delete [gang] (Delete gang from database, Admin Command)
    + any more that you think would be good ( suggestions are open :) )
    Ideas for Permissions:
    I think the permissions and configuration would be simple enough, but any sort of customization is encouraged.
    - gangs.delete
    -(Vault?) The amount of money needed to create a gang is customizable as well as the prefix (with or without the gang's name before the username)
    When I'd like it by:
    Any time before December 21, 2012.
    Once again, thank you and I hope to see this completed in the near future :D
  2. Offline


    I can do this.
    Can each person only be in one gang?
  3. Offline


    Yeah, that would be preferred.
    Thanks, and updates would be nice xD
  4. Offline


    would like this too
  5. Offline


    hope so .[​IMG]
  6. Offline


    Oh, and can you make the amount of money it costs to create the faction changeable?
  7. Offline


    Haven't seen any updates by JJJollyjim yet, would anyone else like to take over?
  8. Offline


    This was already made by CoKoC look at he's Gangs plugin request he did.
  9. Offline


    his doesn't work
  10. Offline


    zecheesy is right, it didn't work for me.
  11. Offline


    Ask him to update it cause he can update it...

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