Server restores blocks by itself

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dilbukin, Apr 2, 2012.

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    I need to destroy a large part of the world so I decided to use arrays of TNT to do so.
    So I place a line of TNT's and detonate them by using redstone on the first TNT.

    A line of huge explosion occurs and a massive destruction was achieved as planned, but I noticed the server started restoring the blocks that were damaged by the TNT's one by one gradually.

    My server has no Anti-griefing plugins installed. If any it would be HawkEye.

    I have not made any changes to the server and I only updated the plugins after 3 months of absence, and I was wondering what would be causing this problem.

    Anyone has an idea?
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    Earlier versions of WorldGuard would show destroyed blocks, and they would rebuild like you describe. If your WorldGuard config has 'block-tnt-block-damage: false', then another plugin is intercepting these events.
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    If you have creeperheal you must remove it
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