Looking for someone to create a space texture pack.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kitskub, Mar 16, 2012.

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    I am a developer of bSpace. If any is willing to create a space-like texture pack for bSpace, that'd be awesome. Of course, you'd be credited. I was going to do this myself, but I have little experience with texture packs, and am too busy, otherwise. If you want to do this, PM me or just reply here.
  2. Offline


    I could give it a shot for you, before I start, any specifics for certain textures? Like, "Stone should look like the surface of the moon."

    Also, it would be made in 16x16
  3. Offline


    No specifics. If it looks space-like, then it's probably good.

    Thanks, by the way.
  4. Offline


    Alrighty, Ill get on it now! :D
  5. Offline


    Just a heads up, between School and having to Admin my server, I don't have all the time in the world to be working on the texture pack, I can guarantee though, that I am putting work into it and have a lot of textures finished.
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    That's ok. No immediate hurry. Been without one for quite a while, so waiting a little longer isn't bad.
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