How can we disable the wooden pickaxe on worldedit with permissions ?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by sbeex, Mar 16, 2012.

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    excuse me for this stupid question but... I read the documentation of WorldEdit's permissions. But I didn't find the permission line.

    I would like to hide the selection coordonates to my players because I don't allow them to use worledit.

    Thank's in advance ! (Sorry for my english I speak french)
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    Nathan C

    From what I've seen, you can't disable via permissions.

    So, just edit the config and change the tool:

        item: 345
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    If you don't want your players to use WorldEdit, put the Jar in your server root (folder above Plugins) and CommandBook and WorldGuard will still work (but you'll be unable to create new regions from within game).
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    I think it's:

    worldedit.selection.*: true
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