[REQ] [FORMATTED] CmdStats - Know how much commands are used

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Ferkswe, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category:
    Admin tools (?)

    Suggested name:
    CmdStats, Commandstats or UpsidedownTruckInTheDesert

    A bit about me:
    While I just shut down my own creativeserver due to the lack of proper plugins I am soon to be a co-owner of a rather big survival server.

    I am still very active, specially on dev.bukkit, reading, commenting and doing what I can for the community. I'm hopefully going to get a bit more active here aswell.

    What I want:
    A way to log the amount of a command is used. So we can keep track of how many people each moderator promotes or how many times they roll back etc.
    It doesn't have to be a very big plugin, just something that will be able to count the amount of times the specific command is used. I dont even know for sure if it is really possible without creating too much lag but I figured that it was worth a shot.

    Ideas for commands:
    /cmdstats [Playername] This one will show the all the monitored commands and how much it has been used

    /cmdstats list [Command] This will make a list of the users that have used the specific command and the amount of times.

    Ideas for permissions:


    When I'd like it by:
    Whenever possible, no hurry.

    Similar plugin requests:
    None that I know off.

    Devs who might be interested in this:

    Hopefully everyone! :D
  2. Offline


    I made this plugin for you, but without the cmdstats list command, because i don't have time at the moment.
    I you start your server, the plugin should create a folder, a config and a global file. In the config file, you have to write the logged commands. In the global file, there area all logged commands listed used by every player. In the players folder, there are files for every player.

    The command is /cmdstats [Player] . Permission is 'CmdStats.check'
    If you just use /cmdstats, you get the global stats.

  3. Offline


    I love you dude! That is just awesome! :D Just really really awesome! :D

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