Teleport using Paintings

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mig_B, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Offline


    In my opinion, never served to nothing well this time on bukkit servers, you could make a plugin where you can right click on a painting and It asks you a password to teleport you through. the wall or in a other place completely...

    My basic Idea was to place a painting on a wall and basically right clicking it the picture would say....
    <Painting> Password Please!
    and then you write a any kind of command like ex.
    /painting password (password)
    after that it would teleport you to the desired position...
    It would be cool if someone made this not just for me but for everyone
    It could have lots of cool functions.... or MultiWorld Support

    Thanks, Mig_B
    PM me if you want to try it out!
  2. Offline


    this would be cool for a server that has their own texture packs, they could make some painting look like the world they would tp you to, like a picture of a haunted house and the area you tp to is a haunted house or somin :D
  3. Offline


    Yes, That would be cool, Well, the idea was that I have my own hogwarts server I don't know if you ever watched harry potter but there is some paths through paintings well people just walk through paintings to find secret passage ways... Well, It would be cool if the picture stopped him/her and asked a password...
    It would be cool if you could do that for me...

    Mig_B, Thanks.
  4. Offline


    oh sorry, im not a programmer, i was just agreeing that this would be awesome. i'll ask a few of my programmer buddies if they could though :)
  5. Offline


    codemaster0 Ok thanks, I just thought you were a programmer because of your name...
    If your friends want to create this plugin just tell them to message it to me...


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