if your using permissions only those blockhead.hat.give.players.items' or 'blockhead.hat.give.groups.items' can use the commands that allow a...
if a player use "/hat" 1 of the blocks in the currently held item stack is removed from inventory and put on there head. If an item is put on...
According to diff and jad I'm not shire but I don't think that just renaming the package fixes anything. Anyways the problem people where having...
Tested in 677 everything seems to be working. There is a know bug where stuff like /hat torch or /hat 50 cause an Error but I have yet to see the...
Are you using permissions? If so then blockhead ignores op status and players need to have 'blockhead.hat' for "/hat", 'blockhead.hat.items' for...
Updated for build 493. Had to reinstall eclipse as it was failing to compile without any warnings.
While collage was a good guess I have been unavailable do to losing my Internet phone due to my financial situation. I have tried to update to 493...
Thanks it turns out that version I was testing was not being updated.
I have changed to use the template, if it still dose not meat the guidelines give me a reply. Its seems you ended up opening the jar file with a...
I have changed to use the template, if it still dose not meat the guidelines give me a reply. Tested and it is in use with build 252 as of now....
Added /wr and made it so it dosen't use // if it finds WorldEdit
Yes you just put it into the plugins folder. I have downloaded the jar and tested it with build [141] but I was unable to find a problem.
I did not know that, I partly used // as it is used to reply to last sent in many online games I played. I was partly under the assumption that...
Well my choice for /reply and // is to enforce the use of // for replying to the last sent. This is simply because there is the instance when your...
I have thought about it.
Separate names with a comma.