@KarimAKL @lgplay Ah, I had to search that up actually, I was certain it still fired the event. It's been such a long time since I've used this...
@lgplay You can either do this in a separate class, or in your main class. Bukkit actually has a tutorial for this, here:...
@imxforce It should trigger, as the example you mentioned is listed Examples: Snow forming due to a snow storm. Ice forming in a snowy Biome like...
@PetrosGR The loading screen appears if you switch world or server. If other servers have instant teleport, it's very likely that the destination...
@PhilDEV_Acc Are there any errors in the logs? (timtower is a ninja) Since I don't know much of MySQL, all I can say is that you try printing some...
@PrayRNGesus You shouldn't use PlayerInteractEvent to check it the way you have, because it'll cause it to send the message to any player...
@ScopeTowel If the input is a string (e.g chat input), you can just check the length of the string after the period. If applicable, you could use...
@TapZi Try; cmd: "warp lobby" executedByPlayer: true
@TapZi Try encasing the command with ' or " There could also be a problem with this line, if the console tries to go to the warp instead of the...
@Kozomo You are not registering the event.. @FreakyPear5 Scores can be set without teams.
@joonius If the library is a jar, you should extract it inside your jar. If it's a plugin library, you could install it on your server along with...
@TheZooServer If not Essentials chat, Essentials surely does. I haven't used Essentials in a long time, so I can't remember which one has the...
@Cat 700 You rare forgetting to return after a condition is met. E.g if savedList is empty, you do not return to stop executing the rest of the code.
Why not store the UUID instead? Unless I remember wrong, it's not recommended to store Player objects.
@ahmedyounes If you typed /op in-game, it was most likely a no-permission message instead. You need to op yourself from the console. If the...
Separate names with a comma.