Thanks!!!! I tried it, it still doesn't work... :( Ok i did something else so im good on the plugin, but still It would be nice to know a way to...
Hi I am making a plugin that allows players to make staff application. I want them to be able to write the application in books. The problem is...
Thanks ill use it more (the getType() and the code=java /code)
@EventHandler public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e){ if(!(e.getAction()==Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)) return;...
I am trying to make your plugin idea, when I'm done (if Ill make it...) I will send you a link to the plugin.
try using String.replaceAll("(?i)"+String, getConfig()....);
At line 12 you need to have 'cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("claimthrone")'
Separate names with a comma.