So what is keeping you from releasing 0.3.2
Oh also an idea for Apollo Because his chariots have like fire wheels when they touch the ground, his Ultimate Ability should be to make like two...
LOL that's what I was gonna ask.
Whats Athena do?
Oh about the water revive thing. When a follower of Poseidon steps into water he heals himself thats what I mean.
Could you work on the Poseidon water revive thingy?
There is already a server called Olympus :/ Maybe you could call it Sacrum (sacrifice in latin)
I think he means like the option to allow the powers in the nether.
I found the error, I forgot that I had to re-download it. I downloaded it with the server running so I had to reload it :p My bad.
I did that happend. 3.0 That didn't happen.
Re fixed Percy Jackson Movie In the Movie he touched the water and healed himself. I haven't read the books. Also when I use /prime, my friend...
Like the Percy Jackson Movie?
Whitelist me?
what bout sneakin?
Maybe add a lockpick for like people who aren't admin but are like right next to them? So they can breach locked doors with a command.
Separate names with a comma.