Alright so when a user is not in a faction it will not let them use an enderchest. But if they join a faction, it lets them use enderchests....
How would I go about setting up kits? I have this # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity! # All kit names should be lower case, and...
I didn't give my default group access to the enderchest.use permissions But they can still use them, But it says the faction owns it.
Sweet thanks for the update!
Is this going to be updated to 1.2.3?
Thanks man, cant wait for the update
Acrobot ok thanks guys it works now :)
alright ill go try that ill be right back
EssentialsChat.jar EssentialsProtect.jar Essentials.jar EssentialsSpawn.jar and where can i find version 1.17 of PEX?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Here they are
latest version of PEX
Here are the plugins i have.... [IMG] [IMG] What is superperms bridge?
- CraftBukkit version (type /version in chat) 1.1 RB - ChestShop version (type /csversion in chat) 3.35 - Your economy plugin (iConomy?...
I am having some serious trouble with this.. i have tried to use 3 different Msql databases and none of them work. it says [IMG] idk what...
Is there a permission to bypass the anti fly thing cause im owner and when i fly it kicks me and says flying isnt enabled on this server
Separate names with a comma.