Plugin category: fun Suggested name: Holographic Signature What I want: First of all i know that this might be hard but if someone gets to...
VG.Developments Thanks, lets see what happens next :)
VG.Developments default 2 but please make it configurable same for resistance jump and regen.
like the fire resistance sorry needed to explain that a bit more.
Plugin category: fun Suggested name: Rank Potions What I want: IA plugin that when you do /speed it gives you speed in a level of a custom...
mrCookieSlime i see i'll wait then.
Ok thanks. Can't wait.
mrCookieSlime yeah it is sorry mrCookieSlime there is a glitch i found yesterday, when a player dies the soul can be grabbed by everyone, with...
I even erased all plugins and added only that one, doesn't even read it. Just did that and it still doesn't work? I don't know what is...
Kohle i don't know why let me see console. doesn't work i don't know why. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead...
It says it's not even a valid plugin, i'm trying to load it with plugman and it's says it's not a plugin.
mrCookieSlime i had mob-spawning deny so that was why they didn't spawn... And about the config there's not config.
not worlds... Servers. I have a bungee cord. mrCookieSlime also there is no config EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button...
Kohle then why doesn't it work?
timtower ok here:
Separate names with a comma.