Just wondering what everyone else thinks.
No, it doesn't really require the patch, but I think there isn't really a way to modify connections without modifying the client itself as well....
The Transporter plugin. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/Transporter
Yep. Reference bukkit's github. https://github.com/Bukkit/Bukkit/tree/master/src/main/java/org/bukkit/
You know how the entity interface of PLAYER has it's functions? .sendMessage(), .getName(), etc.. How can I either extend it and give it it's...
So I have my plugin working (finally, java stopped hating on me), but when a command is done, it shows who did it and the arguments of the...
name: BloxacurityTEST main: me.scarlet.bukkit.Bloxacurity.Bloxacurity version: 0.1 author: Xemiru depend: [Vault] commands: bloxhelp:...
getCommand("info").setExecutor(new cmdInfo(this)); This is it. This tells me nothing. fml.
Java's been pissing me off lately. Here's the thing; It's giving me a stack trace without giving me the exact location of the error, only which...
I wish there was a Forge-Mod version of this plugin. :c.
I don't know if it worked.. I still have this other error I got before that. Could not load 'plugins\dynChat.jar' in folder 'plugins'...
Main Class - http://pastebin.com/9n4dQBDt dccCmd Class - http://pastebin.com/VSFpPLCQ I need a way for me to get a command argument from...
..meep? I've already checked with the arguments to see if they're less than or greater than a certain number of arguments. Although, checking...
...hot damn. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD. [Testing again.] Every command is now args[1]. However, the error still remains. When you said args[0]...
Well, I'm getting a bit of help from xDrapor as well. Kind of my tutor or something. Saying he's had this type of error before, I'm going to see...
Separate names with a comma.