Craftbukkit i hate you!! Well its a love hate relationship. And i wasnt complaining, i was...ya i was complaining. And if you dont mind, 1 more...
but why, it shouldnt do that, at all, why cant it be fixed. Thats the 1 and only reason i dont use it.
Question, does spout still have issues with reloading, like with spout essentials, if you reload, it ruines everything and has to be redone...
make it world edit compatable so u can allow/deny zones
Errors errors go away come back whenever i say.
See how it says 1185, thats 1.1 not 1.2.4
I hope this helps. It most likely wont.
Im going to cry, i am really gunna cry(inside)
I really like how u copied me. XD Anyway 1 MORE DAY!
not updated yet see how it says 1185
Heres my question, today is monday, do u mean next monday or late monday night. I could just wait but i have a life...(not really)
So i know uve been asked this like 1000 times a day, but what time frame do u think this will be in the testing phase.
Im just confirming that i wish to test. I have many spawns, use redstone activated spawns, Pay doors, Item buying, etc.
Fleedle deedle
YES this is gunna be awesome. I call #1 spot to test! <---A little too enthusiastic.
Separate names with a comma.