Lynet Quest Chains is possybol (i know it's wrong speled just live with it) just download rugrats thingy
you need to make it work with iConomy 5.0
thank jmonk your the best ^^
Jmonk anything new for the next patch?
are the new version for the new build coming soon?
This problem have happend to me to but only after i have went into my Sql database and changed level on a player. Whit a player i mean me >:D
Ye, it whud been cool but remember minequest are VERY configabl if you are good at java or know someone that is you can make that feture yourself....
u can make it your self :p But whud be cool i will start working on that now ^^
Thats bad that whud be awsome :(
I keep with MySql. super easy to use if u use HeidiSql ^^ then u dont need that Command Promp shit + mutch easyer to edit content. [IMG] Oh ye...
Thanks im i just a noob at java :p and finding shit on the internet.
i think i had been awsome with a dungeon map plugin for exsample this from wow just photoshop a picture and make a quick plugin that can get it in...
thanks^^ When will next patch come out i can't wait ^^ oh ye are u gonne make the new version supportive to iConomy? my server's user will be...
i have a bug that does that evrytime i take damage i keep taking damage while im walking is that a bug or have a done a mistake installing?
Im trying but hard whitout cool mechanics it won't be fun for exsampel big npc bosses that has special abilityes ^^
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