Or use ChatColor.
Just use an arraylist and call the Configuration method getStringList to initialize it with. This way, it'll mirror any modifications in the yaml.
It's an ArrayList, not a Map
Yeah it is context-sensitive, but if you were to check the words around it too, it could be really intensive.
I would setup a map of (list of misspelled words-> correct word), and then check each word in the sent message against each list to determine...
Are you trying to replace the misspelled word with the rectified version?
Maybe the other tree types work. Have you tried those?
It should be in the API docs ;)
(unrelated) In your PlayerInteractEntityEvent, it will always return, regardless of the result of the if statement.
Initialize a task (sync or async depending on your implementation), and then do whatever you need in it until the user exits, at which point you...
Use a while loop.
Well he's calling 'this' to pass in as a parameter, which doesn't exist until the constructor of HelloWorld is called, so it's returning null.
Instantiate the listener object in your onCreate method.
You don't need to use .equals to compare enums, but otherwise it's correct.
Separate names with a comma.