ebear definitely no ETA. It will be a large project for sure.
You can use the valueOf method in enumerations. Example with potion effects: config: Potion1: Effect: BLINDNESS Amplifier: 0 Duration: 10...
Frankly if anyone wants to help out with this project, shoot me a pm with your github user and I'll add you to the repo
rbrick if you want, I can add you to the git repo.
Update - I'm teaching him how to use a Github Repository. If anyone else wants to make Pull Requests to help, feel free!...
I gave up on the project, although I'd love to bring it back. We could work together on it, send me a PM and I'll give you my skype information.
add this to your code: @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) public void(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event){...
@reider45 It's a very small issue tbh, but if your need of storage is only to figure out if an object is in the list (like checking to see if a...
reider45 A set would be more efficient ;)
Are you sure? It should work properly. Works fine for me. getConfig().set(path, null); saveConfig();
You should probably learn a bit more about Java before continuing further with Bukkit, as Bukkit requires basic Java knowledge in order to use it...
Did you register your event and implement Listener?
Listen to PlayerItemPickupEvent or something like that. Loop through their inventory, and if they have 8 emeralds, cancel the event to prevent...
icewhisker The spoonfeed is inefficient. Why would you create 16 recipes? Also, all of the wool needs to be the same color. GeekIWG...
I believe that pressing Q is counted as "clicking" the inventory. If the item is dropped, there is no longer an item there, and therefore...
Separate names with a comma.