public ItemStack hideFlags(ItemStack item) { net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);...
I just endedup using items: 0: GOLD_ORE: 20 1: IRON_ORE: 10 2: GOLD_ORE: 30
@lecraeman I need a way to get around the "I would assume it's combining the TWO "gold_ore" parts" part...
So I have this config: loot: loot1: items: GOLD_ORE: 20 IRON_ORE: 10 GOLD_ORE: 30 chance: 30 rows: 1 But,...
You can always @Override methods but that would break other plugins won't it?
But the point is, you can optimize java programs right? how would you do it with the plugins? Or is it impossible because of bukkit's API and I...
Sorry, I wasn't online for a while, anyway: - PlayerMoveEvent, is really laggy. - No .freeze(); - No EntityMoveEvent - Console spam /w a lot of...
Is there anyway you can optimize bukkit plugins? NOTE:I use a custom plugin/add-on loader, so I can do anything I wan't with my plugins/add-ons...
@Konato_K How many times I need to tell you that I don't use the default plugin loader... anyway I found a way how to get around this myself:...
I wan't to remove custom villagers it works /w a command but I need to find a way on how to do it on "onDisable"
Maybe make it always force opened by default and add ping.closeConnection(); EDIT: I decompiled animatedMOTDD from spigot he uses a packet spam...
I can only send 2 packets /w the 1.8.3 version... I guess mojang cuts down the connection after 2 packets now...
Separate names with a comma.