hello sorry about the 1.8 pre-release server it kept crashing dur to an experiance orb bug that cuases LAG
I could see being at 1.0 in 5+ months, but I can't promise exactly where we will be. I can promise that it will have way more features and way less buggy than it is now. We plan on doing one major release every month with new features and then bug fixes between to deal with issues that arise.
The April release should be out in the next couple of weeks or less (0.40). I think you'll be excited to see how far things will have come just since 0.30.
I just checked out my site and seem to be able to post things as not an administrator. Can you confirm the problem still exists and if so exactly what it is?
Okay I logged back into the website and I am able to create topics. I am also gonna send you a pm. =D