Everyone is beating around the bush but the simple answer is, you can not change the color of rain to green. You can create your own green rain...
Here is a plugin I made that can be used by anyone. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/experience-modifier.29138/
Pokemon don't exist in MC. Explain where your getting the Pokemon from.
You'd have to log every block placed down and then destroyed. You would also have to consider blocks that change other blocks like sticky pistons,...
You are looking for this http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/consolescheduler2/
Guys, this man is doing this on his free time, free of charge, and that means there is no promises he can't break, no written or voiced contract...
That is something you should ask the developer of TrophyHeads.
I am just going to share my 2 cents. 1. Having /dbgive and /givedb in the same server will be a pain for users to remember. 2. I've always hated...
Have you tried https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/essentials-kit-gui.15160/?
Plugin page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/nohorseedit/ it includes the details and the permission node. Here is the dropbox until the...
The plugin does not check if the array list that contains the entities that have damaged said player is empty. It also uses an outdated...
He is saying it already happens in Minecraft. When you die you already lose your inventory.
Separate names with a comma.