1. No possible 2. I'm sure it's possible but not easy to do.
Hey, I made this for you. Here's the download: (click here) I had a Mediafire link but a mod removed it, didn't know they weren't allowed. Using...
I've tried debugging. Why wouldn't it be? Not sure what I could do instead of the while loop. The itemstacks should be able to be removed from the...
bump please help me..
there is not an e.setDrops() :/
I said I tried that, and I just tried it again, still drops the item :/
It's the same thing, just with list.remove(i) List <ItemStack> list = e.getDrops(); Iterator<ItemStack> i =...
tried that, the items are still dropped and there's no errors..
bump, still need help :/
thank you, i've fixed it doing this. however i have another problem maybe you can help me with.. I'm trying to remove certain items when the...
how would i do this? I also changed i.equals to i.getType() == material, but I'm getting an NPE on:...
This is something I have tried, but it is not working, no errors it just doesn't save the items. This is inside my playerdeathevent.....
I want them to be 2 specific items, like they will be prismarine shards and sunflower (double_plant). They are sort of like a currency / reward...
I'm trying to figure out how to keep 2 items in the players inventory on death and they lose all the other drops. I'm just really stuck and I'm...
Thanks, I believe I tried that already but just in case not, I'll try it. However the s is defined as short, so it shouldn't think it's the amount...
Separate names with a comma.