How to compile me build from source like this? I just do not need all the commands, but I would like to make a couple of changes for themselves.
Magnet flag doesn't work. Why?
Can you give config, with shown on screenshot in the first post?
I'm writing a plug-in which to store some value between commands. In this web, at least, it's called sessions (in PHP, for example). In Java and...
2011-10-23 11:11:45 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling BarterSigns v1.2.3 (Is it up to date?): null java.lang.NullPointerException at...
If I use MySQL, then permissions will be reloaded manually?
How important tables "tele_locations" and "inventory"? What will be lost when deleting their contents?
I opened the database, but there is only "INFORMATION_SCHEMA", containing service data. What did I do wrong? I used the web interface h2.jar and...
How can I convert a database from H2 to MySQL?
On the 2.0b4.3 version of the error occurs: 2011-09-29 17:14:08 [SEVERE] [xAuth] SQL query failure [write] (ALTER TABLE `strikes` DROP COLUMN IF...
Muiltiworld supported?
Unfortunately, it does not work :(. CommandBook v1.5.2, CraftBukkit build 1145. What could be wrong?
motd: | *** My server *** %_Here_an_empty_string_% Hello, `Y%name%`w. The time now is `Y%time%`w and you're in world '%world%'....
What is the difference between DecayAChance and AChance? I'm talking about the configuration file.
Is it possible to set Permissions?
Separate names with a comma.