on it :)
How would maven solve that error?..
off the top of my head i believe this will work: Material.valueOf("stone".toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
Try PlayerJoinEvent instead. i think youll find your trying to send the message before the player is actually capable of recieving one.
you have your feed command inside your heal command [syntax=java] if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Heal")) { if...
i dont understand why you would save Bukkit.getPlayer(a[1]) to a variable. when you already know that onlineP is the exact object your trying to...
notice how that google search leads you directly to this forum? to one of the other hundreds of posts answering this exact same question?
https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/player-name-uuid-fetcher.250926/ honestly sometimes people just need to know how to google. sorry to use you as...
If you are using maven, read option 1, if not completly disregard it as it would just confuse you. 1: you can shade the library into your plugin,...
add a debug line to the event that prints true to tha console if the player is in the list. i think you may find that its not adding the player...
try delaying it by 20 ticks or so, i think youll find that its trying to register it to early.
Bukkit locations contain a method named distance() this compares the two locations and returns the distance in blocks between the two. if you have...
are you using maven? if so you will need to make an includes section in the build configuration of pom.xml. another point, you shouldnt be...
That convention hurts my eyes O.o
just learn how to use any of the many inventory gui's resources that are already out there. also keep in mind that you cannot show an inventory to...
Separate names with a comma.