The first one should be Essentials, afaik
It is not recommended to have spaces in your plugin names, as this will happen. You should see a few lines printed to your console saying this...
And I meant 8gb for one dedicated server earlier, which definitely is a bit overkill
On one server?! How to do what? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Well, 8gb dedicated to a minecraft server is a bit overkill, isn't it?
I'd go for around 50, if your server doesn't lag at all with 50 you can ramp it up to 100.
Your configuration files either do not exist, are corrupted or MCMMO does not have the correct permissions to access them.
You're not giving any permissions for the default rank except for the kill command. You either need to add the permissions yourself or use groups...
Players don't just use a static amount of megabytes in RAM, it's much more complicated than that. Basically, I got away with 100 players on a 4GB...
We are not magicians, we need your plugin list to help. Using my not-magician powers though, I have a tingle towards this being caused by...
plugins\Crates\crateLocations.yml (The system cannot find the file specified)
You can do a similar thing to blocks, just that the item has to have a certain metadata value and the resource pack the player uses supports that...
Separate names with a comma.