Hmm, this looks interesting. Anybody know if it works with the latest recommended?
What is the status on this? I've signed up to the beta.
When someone buys unowned land, is there a way to move their money into a 'global' account instead of destroying it? I am building a server where...
With the new client, you aren't forced to use automatic updates. ;) Many a people are playing 1.3_1 online still thanks to the nifty "not right...
Thank you for this amazing plugin! I've been trying to develop something like this for myself but have been having a little trouble as I am not a...
What if a server doesn't have a plugin that enables /players? There's always /list, but that doesn't tell you the number of players currently on....
The only thing that bugs me about this plugin is that there is no currentValues.txt or something of the like where I can see a list of current-day...
I'm another person awaiting MySQL - as it is right now, I've got a symlink in my dynmap/web folder for the realshop.log file, parsing it with PHP...
Thank you for clarification; I must have misplaces in my memory where I'd read it. :)
I've read through the entire thread, but I seem to be missing something: this says it works with Permissions, but what are the hooks I should be...
Can you post your permissions file?
'tis working flawlessly for me (v1.7) on CB #531.
Uh, it says your world name. So if your world name is Bukkitopia, you would rename it to Bukkitopia.yml
I just ran into this issue last night. I issued a swarm against a player, and the player received (paraphrased) "Error, you must have permissions...
Is there a way to make a town's doors public for everyone? I built a simple fort around my spawn area for new users so they don't get attacked....
Separate names with a comma.