I tried to depend on multiverse in mine for creating new worlds, and I had loading issues upon server restart. Your solution seems much more self...
Hey I am trying to understand your code, which is very neat and well done. But I cannot find where or when you add worlds to the persisted world...
What did you end up doing if I may ask? I have been staring at asdaarg's answer, which doesnt really make a lot of sense to me.
Wow youre right, this is more complicated that I originally thought. Ill look into the bukkit source too then. Edit: Alright, what you wrote...
I wouldnt use getData(), did you try import org.bukkit.material.Sign; Block signBlock = (your sign block); Sign sign = (Sign)...
Its weird that you cant find that event, i looked it up in the bukkit github before i mentioned it. It is in org.bukkit.event.block....
Well for starters, do Event.Type.BlockDispenseEvent. In your listener write the constructor, usually just public class TestBlockListener extends...
Make a class that extends PlayerListener, and create an object of it in your main class. Then pass that object to manager.registerEvent(...)...
Should it get delete the existing item while dispensing this other item? Should this item simply be in the dispenser or should it be the one being...
This is a tough one for ideal practicality. There is an event for redstone change at which point you can check for lapis lazuli or whatever, but...
Do you have multiple default themes? Or is it just good practice to put it inside the package? I have it outside the package and it works fine...
Hmm neat I did test it, and you're right; the lava bucket is instantly replaced by an empty one. I had forgotten that bukkit event handling...
I have a question about your source. What is the benefit to scheduling a task to put a bucket in the furnace rather than just doing so? public...
Hmm the plugin I am working on incorporates all of those because I feel the same. I looked through all the existing portal system plugins and...
Separate names with a comma.