I have a portal setup that goes to a town away from spawn, when I go though it, it kicks me and gives me an error that I moved too quickly? The...
Vild, could you make '-1' an allowed item quantity? I enjoy having extremely large stacks with out a number.
I do approve.
Is this compatible with Herochat/iChat?
How about a /me command? :D
I have yet another idea for this plugin; a simple tp confirmation. So if X wants to be tp'd to Y, X types in /tp Y. Then Y gets a message asking...
Maybe an option for kick/ban/tempban and unban in the plugin? :)
Why double post btw?
I have an idea for this plugin. As I mainly use it, I was thinking; what if, in the per-world configs, you have a 'allow_flight' option to either...
Okay. Well, my server is running that latest stable build of 1.7.3 that hasn't made it onto Jenkins yet (as far as I know). And my current...
I think I found a bug: If someone's on world X and they join world Y, world Y's config should have seperate inventories. (It does..) But their...
Any chance of getting this updated? I don't want to use iChat as it doesn't have multichannel support. And I'm currently not using this as it...
Yay! This should be useful for us server admins. :D
I try undo someone's actions, it asks me for either /yes /no, I type in /yes and it says unknown command.. B818
Yay! I love you. :D
Separate names with a comma.