winter4w Heres a quick plugin, just type /tag [Name] to change your name tag, probably has a few...
Only your main class should extend JavaPlugin, pass your plugins instance into the constructor of you listener. kumpelblase2 A...
Maybe only check so that one player can get damaged at a time?
Ah but then they would have to wait the same delay as every other players giving them no advantage.
Hmm, but no one can turn and aim (unlikely...) and manage to hit an animal/player. EDIT: In less than a second as I assume the packets are sent at...
An easier and more efficient verison of the above is this: .replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "\u00A7$2") Use it like this: String myString = "Hello...
May I suggest a different approach to this? As you said the issue lies in NoCheat not taking notice of the direction packets, a player cannot...
I agree with kezz101, this post should be stickied! Some people just dont search... also you forgot to add ;)
I used mcp since I couldn't find it on github either. Heres a pastebin link:
Well after quickly looking over the source of the file I can only guess its the fact that it doesnt remove the bounding boxes (As far as I can...
trusebruse I should be adding in a capping system next udpate, so you will be able to limit the max level. I shall work on adding a protection for...
Try this: ((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().a(true, false, false); It should make the player leave the bed. I have tried this and I am guessing a...
You should atleast give a rough idea or what you want done. ;)
Hey I am the developer of Levels+ (Link), It has most of what you requested (maybe more) doesn't have the support for pvp with same level people...
The simplest way is to unload the world without saving, then just load it again, that should just be a couple of lines of code in a plugin....
Separate names with a comma.