Would be nice to know, if there is something like that, need the request too.
GeMoschen Which Permission I have to set for User allow to USE Lifts etc. You didn´t updated the "Wiki".
Why does Player can´t pickup Money with a full Inv? I think it is not the same -> Money and Drops.
It would be nice, if there is a Option to Force the Players. So they can´t join either. Because if they join for 5-10 they coul hack or cheat. But...
Hello, does this Plugin work on the 1060 Bukkit version?
Yea, Permissions can bring some Problems and need more Codes and time to do it. But with Permissions you can add a Moderation Function to it. Also...
For the Idea you need to define a different between Normal Channel and Admin Channel. That only users with specific Permissions can Join/Read the...
When I try to set a Box. There stands: An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command. And the Server log just put out many...
HeyHo, some new Ideas. The first Idea is, that a User can listen to more than one Channel at one Time and he have to set on which channel we want...
Please adding Sell-Showcases and Support for Spout. ;-)
So, yet add the Function that User can add temporary Channels if you can. Something like if you join a Channel that not exist and it creates a...
Hello naresh can you add a Function which let list all Irc Channel that Exis. Something like. ./irclist Or just change that you can use the...
On first running this Plugin the Serverlog said this: 2011-08-04 00:46:24 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: plugins/iWarning/badwords.txt...
Hello, how I can define that a User only have a Group on a specific world?
Hello can you transform this from XcraftGate.use.<Gate> to XcraftGate.use? Because you can give XcraftGate.use.* in PermissionsBukkit. And so you...
Separate names with a comma.