would be awesome if someone could help me. my probem is that i start falling everytime i stop pressing shift. if thats normal i will look for a...
u got ram monitor or anything else to watch if maybe the ram is full?
yes iam running as admin. used ram is 400mb and cpu usage about 28% for the minecraft server if 2 members are online. and running the server +...
oh damn my fault. its win7 ultimate x64.
do u update ur jar all the time u get new links? so if i download now again ur addon, will it update the just mentioned addons?
for me it says: warning: cant connect to ci-b.bukkit.org could u add pls: MC Server GUI, CommandBook, MCCRestart and Warpz0r pls?! idk exactly...
latest java version u can download from the java HP. i think it was 1.6 update 24. and yes it is vista ulti x64.
maybe post ur config pages as screenshots maybe. probably u did some mistakes in setting up the config. also try to download the bukkit.jar again.
damnit now i know which suggestion i forgot ;) here it is: i allready mentioned the *.rar backup files, but set a option to configure the updates...
java is on the latest update and i removed the command. now the cmd shos up this: error occured during initialization of VM missed java...
Unrecognized VM option `+OptimizeStringConcat` Could not create the Java Virtual Machine thats what appears in the window...
well interesting terms ur discussing about... i tried to set up my own server just for max5 players to have a bit fun with minecraft. my system...
if i use the /news command to open the news from news.txt my 4 cores running on 100% ... only server restart helps -.- can anyone help me with...
very nice plugin dude. here are my suggestions: 1. let the log begin on top and let him scroll down 2. backup should create automatically a *.zip...
awesome plugin dude, ty for that. BUT...:) would be gr8 if u could add following things: 1. possibility to restart like "delayedstop" [/restart...
Separate names with a comma.