Ok first off letmedl how did you use chunkster? And if its a schematics issue how do we fix it :) Maybe this should be somthing we should also ask...
I do have backups *grins* but i just over write the same file and dont keep seperate ones that are dated...... so i guess this is a lesson to be...
Sorry for being such a noob >.< but chunkster? is that a plugin or what and i discovered the error after i backed it up so now theres no going back :/
I have managed to remove about 10 of the errors. I think it was becuase of the fences becuase they appeared invisiable so i just deleated them and...
I love this plugin!, any update for this ? Its no longer working with 493 :( please fix Thanks, Sithium
Sweeet i used to have this and been wanting this for ages for bukkit :) Thanks man !
Right ok for the last week i have been getting this >..> and its annoying ....Is there any way of fixing this? Below i have posted the information...
Separate names with a comma.