How long is a tick?
Can I choose where the zip files are saved? Like on a seperate hard drive? Because im using a seperate hardrive for my backups.
Try /tempban airman888888 1 day
Don't know weather this is possible but, a way to see when the area was blown up would be cool. Maybe even tell me wether it was TNT or creeper...
Sorry for the trouble. It works now. Thnx for trying to help anyways.
Ive noticed that to use the stick you have to be OP and have permisions. If you are not OP and have permisions it will not let you use it. Not...
Hi, Since updating to craftbukkit 714 i have the plugin has been saving empty zip folders. When forced (by command /backup) it saves only a...
Hi, I just put Log v0.3 on and get the following message when starting my server... 2011-04-17 17:46:15 [INFO] Log version 0.2: Loaded....
In v2.0 will I be able to change the messages, like when you login and the others? This feature would appreciated :).
Yeah, I am getting this problem where you have to be close to them to edit they're inventories. Sometimes they walk out of range while im editing...
I would like to have a plugin for Bukkit that can, on command, show users inventories. This would be extremely handy to check whats going on for...
[WARNING] Using the stupidly long constructor com.aaronllf.afk.AFK (PluginLoader, Server, PluginDescriptionFile, File, File, ClassLoader) is no...
Will you implement multiworld support plz? Because at the moment my nether world is not backing up.
Nice work on this, it makes it easy to manage and watch the server. I've Noticed that the console keeps reseting to the top and scrolling back...
Separate names with a comma.