World guard and towns don't prevent u from killing mobs or players does it? Anyone help? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit...
I'm looking for a really simple and lightweight plugin which prevents guests from pvping and killing mobs, I have worldguard and towny which...
My server is on 1.6.2 Whenever anyone gets on a horse there horse runs like 1 block per 4 secs its rly rly rly laggy! Can someone help fix this?
My plugin calls a command (lets say "/hello") and i need an argument for it say like a player name. So you need to type /hello [player] and it...
ya 1 java file to a class never shows a whole source file
So i got the source code of a plugin. I want to modify it and then compile it into a jar how would i go about doing that? Atm i only have the file...
I have set a property for every username in this case money, how would i go through every usernames int property and see which usernames have the...
How would you check if a player got damage by a specific mob aka: zombie.... also on a side note is there a way to make the player have his hands...
Im trying to make it so ppl can hook into my plugin and use its commands and stuff. How would i go about doing this? Can someone lead me to a...
Ya that would work but im trying to only send it to certain ppl ... so what u just said is what getserver players is doing
I changed it but its still giving me an error >.< package me.shadowtrollboy.serverspam; import java.util.Arrays; import...
Main package me.shadowtrollboy.serverspam; import java.util.logging.Logger; import me.shadowtrollboy.serverspam.Serverspam; import...
I hooked into the plugin "General" for the essential command but i want to disable a function and create it through this plugin im making how...
I was dumb and forgot i had a ! infront of if statement so it was opposite my bad xD
Is there a player use event? I wanna catch when a player use's a specific item. In this case a bow. I want a player use event then check what item...
Separate names with a comma.