Are you registering your event in the plugin's onEnable?
Declare a variable for the Scoreboard outside of the onCommand somewhere so you can access just the 1 without creating a new one each time the...
In your calcSellPrice method, change the itemname variable from i.toString().toUpperCase(); to i.getType().toString(), just like @Zombie_Striker...
Yeah you're right. I didn't really think of that because it was such a small piece of code. Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by my bad...
That should work however it might just be easier to do the following which doesn't require a while loop: public void dropInv(Player player)...
Try changing: Objective objective = board.registerNewObjective("showfarmers", "farmer"); to Objective objective =...
Use LibsDisguises: Then on actually disguising the players:...
First of all, you're missing a few @Override annotations, as they are overriding the methods in the JavaPlugin superclass. Other than that, the...
Yes. Why didn't you just try it out before you posted a thread about it?
Uhh yeah I guess, however it might not be very performance efficient. Just iterate through all the players on the server in your task here. Right...
Might be better off listening to the following events and removing the potions there: PlayerItemConsumeEvent - Check if the item is a potion then...
Actually no, if the block is air it will return a block with it's Material as air. You do not need to check for null. If you don't believe me,...
You do not need to check if the blocks are null in this situation. Checking if event.getBlock() is null is completely unnecessary. And so are the...
You've done a lot of unnecessary casting here. Nevertheless, try this: @EventHandler public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {...
Separate names with a comma.