SOLVED! Material.getMaterial(id); How would i take an item id (such as '56') to a MaterialData? This is what i tried: MaterialData itemId;...
I'm working on a plugin that needs to get a yml list and 2 booleans from the config file. For what ever reason my plugin will not read the config...
Yes i do
Blocks from 1.8 forward do not work, please fix this. Thanks :) Serubin
How would i get a list of blocks from the config.yml? I have it set to: this.getConfig().set("restrictblocks.allowed", "1 2 3 4 5 12 13 14 15 17...
From what I've seen its hawkeye loosing connection with sql
I'm have problems with PEX, i cant get prefix's to work. For instance this is my admin class (with a lot of clipped plugins to make the list...
I have the same problem why does this happen?
I love this plugin soo much! But it really needs to be updated!
On the 1.8.1 server list menu ti says that as the motd for my server "Communication error" and has an "X" over the little wifi bar things. But i...
Im i the only one who's /warp doesn't work?
Thank you for the update! Also could i be an alpha tester? I think i could be of help.
I wish i new java better :/
I see your point, I think you should allow people to choice if they want it to keep chunks loaded and if they want it to come up on the console. I...
I've noticed that this plugin doesn't allow chunks that the signs are in to unload. Is this necessarily? It is very annoying to have messages...
Separate names with a comma.