latest Craftbukkit (Name is too long to say) Version 3.42 of chestshop. I tried to create a shop for bonemeal and can't get it to work. I tried...
Is this plugin compatible with VoxelChat?
@TMAC_Kratos You have it setup that way for Dispensers according to your OP. Wouldn't it work that way?
Is it possible to make it configurable on if the person gets pvp'd or killed by a mob. Cause some of the point in a pvp server is to get the...
Your download link seems to be broken.
I'd suggest you use a Large chest... If that happens with a large chest you have way too much stuff.
Only question i got is does this work with ChestShop? Could I put this one on the back of the block the chest is up against and the chestshop sign...
Then perhaps enable flying on the server and just use NoCheat?
... *Facepalm* There's a typo in the "How to install manually" thing for windows. it says craftbukkit-1.0.0 instead of 0.0.1 which is what the jar...
Note problems doing it Manually.
Tried using the Auto-Installer and it says something like "Does not recognize Java as an internal or external command." I went "Ok.... Must be my...
not bukkit permissions. That's the one built into it. this is PermissionsBukkit. It's a plugin all its own.
I'm both Op and Admin.
Ok. Well I can see two oopsies from here. Under the worlds heading, specifically the two permissions you made "Creative" only. They don't get a ":...
It won't let me use any of the functions at all. Keeps telling me I don't have the permission to do it and I know i do. I'm using...
Separate names with a comma.