Thanks for all your hard work feildmaster. It does not go unappreciated or unnoticed. (seed419/alureon)
Thanks for all your hard work, mbaxter. (seed419/alureon)
Thanks for your hard work, TnT. Best wishes to you and your new addition to the family.
This plugin still works :)
You need a permissions plugin. I think bukkit actually has some kind of native permissions now, but I haven't the slightest clue how to use it....
Give everyone the permission fd.broadcast
Wow, I haven't updated this thread in forever. Everything is all on bukkitdev. I've fixed a few bugs guys (especially the really bad OP bug) so...
It appears that until Storm is released, the latest build should still be fine.
You have to stop the server, delete that file, and then start the server. Restarting won't work. Looks like older code. Try updating please....
Can you post the error here so I can take a look at it? Of course, just do "/fd world add world_nether" Any worlds under "/fd world list" will...
Plugin is not inactive and works fine
Updated to 1.2.5
I'll look into the issue with the traps. As for the second suggestion - this will be possible in the next version!
You can have custom trap blocks! Try /fd trap gold_ore or /fd trap dirt Also it should cancel the event and prevent them from getting the ore :p...
Separate names with a comma.