Cool. Works perfectly, though the /i command conflicts with Essentials /item shortcut (/i)
I could be wrong, but I think the following would work: If you assume the following to be true 1.) there are 24000 ticks in a minecraft day 2.)...
I'm interested in a console command that would let me either get the current moon phase of a world, or the full time of a world. If I can get the...
I have not looked exhaustively, but haven't seen an existing plugin that does this. Basically I'm interested in something that would allow...
Exactly as the subject says. I'd love a way to have the abandoned mines have redstone torches vs the normal torches. Have it be more in line with...
I've been looking for a simple plugin that will allow one to limit the max height at which monsters spawn. Ideally one could set the height from...
Would you be willing to post your posts so people could have an example to look at? That way they could follow the tutorials and compare the java...
Just noticed an error. Everything seems to be running ok still, though: 19:59:26 [SEVERE] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException 19:59:26...
I just downloaded the latest version and everything seems good. I'm so glad you updated this. I really love the idea of the plugin, but had to...
I'm having problems with the plugin and am not sure if I'm just doing something dumb. CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.2.3-R0.2-b2060jnks (MC:...
Prior to MC 1.2 the server I ran made extensive use of ItemCommands so people didn't have to type anything. It gave it a much more minecraft-like...
Is there a plugin out there that will execute a command on login or log off?
After a lot of debugging, I tracked an odd problem down to NarrowtuxLib 1.2.0. When it is present, it somehow conflicts with the MyHome plugin and...
Is there a way to get the biome type at a given X,Z from the command line? I know one can use a combination of essentials + terrain control to get...
I can confirm the same sapling bug others are reporting. The chain of events seems to be 1) A tree's wood is harvested and the leafs are left. 2)...
Separate names with a comma.