Add a return true; at line 30.
You want to check if the player has been hit by an arrow trough an player, how I read it?
event.getDamager() instanceof Player && (event.getDamager() instanceof Arrow) Well you are checking here if the damage is a player AND a arrow. I...
Check that you imported for Sign org.bukkit.block.Sign.
this thread will be closed, spigot is not supported on this forum.
Okay, mbaxter has poted the reason why the plugin has been deleted.
@LHammonds Not, everything there have been done lots of bug fixes and clean up in this code how I see.
@KevinEssence, @EN7, @JammyDodgerABC Here has anyone release the source of Talabrek's plugin: The code...
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.LEATHER_HELMET; LeatherArmorMeta meta = (LeatherArmorMeta) item.getItemMeta(); meta.setColor(Color.AQUA);...
Use the bukkit jar, not the craftbukkit jar
I need to use reflection, If I use the plugin for different versions...
Very stupid answer, I tried everything with bukkit code for chunks, nothing works. ONLY this nms code fix that problem.
Read it here...
Separate names with a comma.