Wow many things wrong there You're listening to ProjectileLaunchEvent -- Which wouldn't happen if you intercept the interactevent You're also...
Cool, let us know how it goes
It's doing it all at once because the entire code is running really quickly. Your best bet is to get the location of each of your blocks through...
Booleans are the single least useful thing to use HashMaps for, what tutorial were you watching? You're not checking if the player even has a...
Well generally it helps us help you if we know what you're talking about. Wanna explain to us what it does?
There's a bunch of ways you can do it. Why don't you look at what that other plugin does? Because I sure don't know what it does
I know for a fact that this one works:
I don't provide code. Listen to the event like you would any other. Check the slot. If it's the middle slot (or whatever one you're using for...
@elian1203 If you have a potentially large array, use a StringBuilder instead. There's nothing wrong with StringBuilders, you just have to use...
@mouz_ Many, because people don't listen. How many of them are valid answers? Even more, because people didn't listen when I told them the first time
I assumed the other way, that it's not publically distributed
You can, but you're not allowed to re-dsitribute the plugin unless you get the permission of the dveloper or the License permits. If you use it...
@mouz_ Oh really? That's weird, I could have sworn I replied before anyone else did, and gave you not 1, but two fixes
Separate names with a comma.