Where can I look to find builders (don't have to be absolute professionals) that are capable of making an okayish spawn and possible warzone/...
I've had this issue before, I believe it was caused by either world edit or world guard. Do you have either of them on that plot server?
I believe you may be overlapping two plugins (possible essentials and Pex.) You may have given yourself a prefix on essentials and on Pex and...
I don't believe that's possible without a permissions plugin (i would suggest PermissionEx)
Been a while since I've done this but it's something like /region flag allow-cmd
Do you have vanilla, spigot or bukkit running on your server?
What I did is I gave the players the Universal command, something like multiverse.* or something and then I took away certain permissions (add an...
Say that again. Make sure that People can actually understand it and give a bit of detail. What Arena plugin do you use? What permission plugin do...
Can I see your plugin list? Some plugins like PerWorldPlugin can alter the logistics in this instance.
Factions and MassiveCore have a shared folder, it's one up from your plugins and is called mstore, look in there.
make sure all the actions are well spaced and spelt correctly. Worldguard is case sensitive.
you also have to put something before it, you do something (can't remember exactly, look it up.) /buycraft secret (key)
This also happens with some items with enchants, lores or potions.
look up the World Edit Perm nodes and then do /pex group (group) add (perm) if you type /pex and it doesn't work, reinstall the .jar file...
Backup your server. First delete your world and create a knew one, that will tell you if there is a corrupt chunk. If that doesn't work, go...
Separate names with a comma.