Thank you, just got back from a trip I'll be trying out this method by tomorrow and will get back to you. Hi so I was looking over what you were...
Hi, so I'm a really on and off programmer and sometimes I need refreshers on certain things. I just got back to programming from a long break and...
That's not what he meant by null checking the main variable I don't think.
Another thing, you're importing import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; You might want to import the bukkit chatcolor.
Here is how I do my random percentages, might work better for you. Rough code int aRandom=RandomUtils.nextInt(101);...
I think you should take the advice of all these people. Your threads are very simple problems, and there is nothing wrong with getting help. I get...
You've done something in the commands part of your plugin.yml line 6 column 10. Look at that and see what you did wrong, or if you need help post...
No problem, please set this thread to solved so others don't get confused :)
I realize that, but I'm just saying that the error is being thrown because it's running into that situation. Obviously if he had enough players I...
Yeah what he said, I don't see you saving any of the players ranks anywhere. No config, no MySQL, so basically whenever you restart your server...
Yes, I made an edit of all the things you should do. After that re-export and you should be fine.
The error is happening because 1. It's a repeating task so it happens every second 2. You probably don't have enough players online. Clearly you...
EDIT: Forget everything I said, the reason why it's not loading is because you're missing a bracket in your main class. Add 1 more bracket at the...
You probably didn't input the main class in your plugin.yml correctly, or at all. Can I see your plugin.yml? Also exporting with errors is never...
This class isn't getting the instance of your main class. Unless this runnable is inside the main class you must create an instance of the main...
Separate names with a comma.