@BakedPotato_HD try something like this: /* * IMPORTS: * com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector; *...
Is it possible to set the Navigation of an enderdragon or a bat. Because this code EntityInsentient ce =(EntityInsentient)((CraftEntity)...
@megamichiel @ShadowLAX Ok everything worked but for some reason I still cant control my dragon
@megamichiel Thx I already asked myself why there was a big error when I restarted the server 2 Times ^^
@ShadowLAX it kind of spawns but noone can see it. It just attacks. And if I try to sit on it nothing happens :/
@CoolDude53 no I just spawn the dragon
Hi guys I have an some issues with Custom Entities. For some reason this code doesnt work. I would really appreciate if you could help me....
int slot = Inventory.getSize(); Random r = new Random(); slot = r.nextInt(slot);
How to save a customInventory in a File. I can't figure it out :(
@tcvs it is not really an error its just that it also says this line p.sendMessage("§0[§6§lKit§0]§4Du musst sterben bevor du dieses Kit benutzten...
Hello guys I get an error with this code @EventHandler @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void onClicke(PlayerInteractEvent e){...
@Skionz no its not being enabled
@Funergy between Spigot and Bukkit are nearly no differnces @Skionz what do you mean with the Console? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please...
@tcvs I download it a few months ago and @Skionz how do I check this?
@Skionz yes I put it in my project here[ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.