I have a problem. The client crashes when someone try a cookbook recipe. here is the #Generated by the Cookbook Recipe Creator v0.3.0(Beta)...
Hi, great work. It it possible to link permissions with a mysql db, maybe in the next version? This would be awesome. So its easyer to...
Hi, i have an idea: A plugin wich finds Items. For expample: You build a Gate [torch][wood][torch] [mossy][mossy][mossy] [mossy][air][mossy]...
Yes i thought so. Ok, i thing it will work :D
I know, but PHP has a SSH2 function, to exec commands ^^
Hi, I want to create a Web-Admin-Panel for Minecraft (Language is not Java, but PHP). Why? Cause I haven't seen a comfortabel Admin-Panel...
When will there be a properity's file? cause i dont want to use all features...
How can i delete a Door Rune? Destroying doesn't work...
I hav my version not in my mind, i'll look. but i downloaded bukkit just 7 days ago.
Hi, i installed this plugin an get an error: SEVERE: Could not load plugins/LWC.jar in plugins: null org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException...
Hi, can it used to create Mobs?
Does it support flatfile?
Separate names with a comma.