@Faith @timtower I sit it do not speak very well English treatment of saying any insole of example or something to be able to edit easily a...
Thanksgiving is the second time showing me as boy to edit if you have many things that hinder me I do not need the brackets only edit some things...
Hello there I have health plugin for my miss just do not have more options because only he got there I try to add more things as is done with the...
Hello such'm sorry my bad English Colombia and tried to make a plugin scoreboard where players exit the deaths of my server name money (money...
me is more complex but I'll try thanks so if I could do was what life below name that if I could create at the event entity damage I guess I is...
hola que tal'm developing a scoreboard of objective type difernte the same q is done with the command block but do it with eclipse plugin but only...
i have this idea and not have fix :(
how could insert exp statistics types of damage or coins? excellent work
i have this error and write "objective.setDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR);" in thes objective. <---- ( . ) have syntax erro because ?
@chasechocolate need you help you see my pic what this orden for create scoreboard i need need need please
me search on youtube and not have good luck for this tutorials :( i need help get basic plugin for test ? anyone have idea "what is a the...
what program you used?
hi am new to this I just try to learn all this the only thing I understand is the average mchelloplugin xD and I want to do this but nose begins...
Separate names with a comma.