Ok thanks! :) Oh sorry, 1 more question. If I get bPermissions, Would I have to insert all the permission nodes for all of my plugins? For the...
I feel stupid to ask, But i'm new to server hosting, But how to I edit that permissions.yml? :'(
I need some help, I don't have a permissions plugin. I try to use "/vanish fakequit" But it dosnt show me logging out. I'm the owner of the server...
Hello, I'm kinda new to bukkit and server hosting. I don't have permissions right now, But if I did install it would I have to insert ALL the...
Hey, I'm kind of new to Bukkit, I don't have a permissions plugin. I'm an OP, I have the latest version. But it says that "Noclip is not enabled...
Can anyone help me? I'm new to factions, Just came from Towny, I was wondering how I get the suffix for the faction name. It dosn't show up...
Separate names with a comma.