Still get the error if i type only /mute [player] ...
They dont have the Overide permission or Op.. And btw i take again the newest verion and now i het this if i type /mute [player] [time] Error:...
/muteall and /mute [player] [time] No effect if you do it by a player... Only that message that you're muted.. But then you can still talk :p
Thanks, But the mute function isnt working..
Is the Plugin already doing it good or not yet?
Ok thnx :)
Please can you remove the /mute [player] Command? Becouse i have this one already from Essentials and that one is fine for me.. And ok thnx.
Yeah thats good only i didnt need the /mute [player] I have that one already by Essentials. I need only the other thins you say :)
Yeah thats what i mean with freeze :) And no i have no other features Just this: /muteall on / off And /freeze on / off And thanks you will try it :)
I need a Plugin thats Mute the hole Server chat for al the players but not the players with permissions to speak and That i can Freeze all the...
Its in the Config.. Look good :p
I have the same Problem :l
But Anybody can make a plugin like this.. ? =3
i hate the max of 30.. :l i want the lvl 50 back =3
Separate names with a comma.