Could you please make it use MySQL?
This happend when I typed: /npc create 'name' 1 10 Am I doing something wrong?
i'v tried it with 30, it only changes the time when then error comes. i also had this error maybe is this the problem.
Am i doing something wrong?
How can i fix this?
i have a little problem with my arena, sometimes when a Creeper explodes and removes a few blockes that wont come back. sinse it is protected i...
dont i lose my lvl's then?
Nice plugin! The only thin i kinda diddn't like was that if you are an Archer and you'r out of mana but still want to shoot arrows, it keeps...
Hello, When i typ: /dungeon, it says: "Multiworld teleporting disabled in this build. Nether works" How do i enable Multieworld Teleporting?
Separate names with a comma.