plz put some images or vids...
eeeeem, I have a bug... I write in my "Archer" class to have 300 arrows but in game it gives me only 8!!! fix it please!!!:'(
Timer for the furnace recipes, to set how much time needs to be cooked, and posibility to add other items has fuel and set his fire-length...:cool:
Please get off the text what says about cookbook! It was inactive, and update your custom recipe creator adding some new stuffs...:mad:
Please can you make item block? So if you are lower than lvl 5 of mining (for example) you can't use the stone pick, and it was a nice idea if you...
When closing, I use the last version, 0.7 and I have this: 15:14:14 [SEVERE] Error occurred while disabling RegionMarket v0.6 (Is it up to...
update it plz, the arrows can,t be stacked!:(
11:51:16 [SEVERE] Error occurred while disabling RegionMarket v0.6 (Is it up to date?): loader constraint violation: loader (instance of...
buggy npc saves when i close or reload the server says so i have 1 npc and it have no name... fix it please!
why!? why?! why the best addons go inactive?!?!?!?:'(
I use "/time set 0" to make day on the server or "/kick (playername)" to kick someone from the server and more...
please create locks for trapdoors!
BUG! sometimes I spawn underground! I was forced to delete 5 worlds for that! :(:(:( You have 2 versions only, but finally you going to have the...
Separate names with a comma.